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Age-0 to 8 Weeks

Yes sometimes we have puppies that get to hang with us a little longer. This does not mean that they were a undesired dog. It usually means we may have had many dogs of same coloring and they were not placed at 8 to 12 weeks. Many times another litter will be coming down the pipeline and older puppy may not catch the shoppers eye, I mean who does not love looking and little newborn puppies. Some people just want that new young dog experience. So oft times we get a few that hang with us a little longer. All that means is this Aussiedoodle or Poodle gets a longer opportunity to grow into a Fine
Yes sometimes we have puppies that get to hang with us a little longer. This does not mean that they were a undesired dog. It usually means we may have had many dogs of same coloring and they were not placed at 8 to 12 weeks. Many times another litter will be coming down the pipeline and older puppy may not catch the shoppers eye, I mean who does not love looking and little newborn puppies. Some people just want that new young dog experience. So oft times we get a few that hang with us a little longer. All that means is this Aussiedoodle or Poodle gets a longer opportunity to grow into a Fine
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