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Hello Spring! March Round Up

It’s officially Spring, and it’s wonderful seeing all the fresh green leaves and grasses peek out! Springtime flowers are beautiful too - they always seem to bring a smile to our faces. :-)

Read on and visit the links to see a bit of what we’ve been up to this month!

Educational Tidbits

Do you know any facts about newborn puppies? In today's world, most people have never even seen a day-old puppy, let alone touched one, as folks usually get their puppy when he or she is between 8 to 12 weeks of age. Learn more in this video!

Genetic testing in important for any breeder to make a part of their breeding program. Check out our blog post on Dog DNA and Genetic Testing to discover more.

Have you read our blog on the Ups and Downs of Being a Breeder yet? If not, check it out here. Spoiler alert - it tugs at the heartstrings!

Has your puppy had a rebellious stage? If so, it’s completely normal! In this video, I tell you all about it.

Potty Training Questions? Here are some potty training hints for your new puppy. Let us know if they work for you! Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5

Wondering what your pup will look like at 4 to 6 months old? This age is when puppy fur transitions to their adult coat, although the process won’t be complete until about 18 months old. See some examples here.

Fun and Interesting Stuff

We’ve got more secure fields for the babies to play and run in! See a quick video here.

There are lots of Doodle dogs out there these days, and even though some may look the same, they will have different personalities and traits according to what breed was used with the Poodle. Here’s a quick video of a few different kinds. How many can you name?

Check out these cute bathtime clips! Tennessee Tuxedo loves his bath time. Bathing two dogs at once! :-)

Make it a Fine and Dandy day, y’all!


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